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- Alexandrea Weis
Taming Me Page 10
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Page 10
“She’s waiting to see how you handle this,” Garrett whispered, holding his glass in front of his mouth to hide his words. “She always watches new subs, very closely.” He drank from his scotch and returned it to the table. “What are you thinking?”
“You want me to talk…now?” I whispered.
“Yes, just keep your voice down.”
“I think this is disgusting,” I mumbled.
“‘I think this is disgusting,’ Master,” he corrected.
“You asshole.”
“Not funny, Lexie.”
The fat, baldheaded man to the side of us had removed every strip of his sub’s clothing and was kneeling behind her, his mouth kissing her round white butt. The redhead was swinging her hips side to side, teasing him.
“Stand up,” Garrett ordered next to me.
My eyes flew to him.
“Remember your place,” he hissed.
I dropped my head and stood from the chair. He came around to my side and turned me toward Mabel’s chaise.
“She has to see us doing something, Lexie.” He rested his hands on my shoulders. “I want you to close your eyes and block out the other noises in the room.” His breath tickled the back of my neck. “I’m going to touch you, like we practiced in the shower. Just relax.”
His hands slowly edged down my shoulders, his fingers tickling my skin as they swept along my upper arms. Garrett’s firm chest pressed into my back, and I relaxed against him. When his hands moved in front of me and gently fondled my breasts, my nipples tingled with excitement. Sensing my arousal, Garrett began moving his thumbs methodically back and forth over my erect nipples in the most tantalizing way.
“You’re doing fine,” he softly said. “She’s watching us, so pretend you are enjoying this.”
The problem was, despite the company in the room, I was enjoying his touch. His hands were so compelling that when they caressed me, it did block out everything else around us. He moved from my breasts, crept over my stomach and around my hips, until his hands came to rest at the valley between my legs.
“I do adore touching you,” he breathed into my cheek. “A shame it’s all for show.”
A fire sparked to life in my gut, as his hands fondled my crotch, and I arched into him. Hiking up the hem of my dress, his hand slid upward to my black underwear. I should have been mortified, but I wasn’t. The feel of him next to me, the caress of his hand, was so distracting. He curled his fingers into me, pressing into my folds. I closed my eyes and struggled not to moan. The sheer delight of his touch was overpowering.
Unexpectedly, he let me go. “We’ve done enough.”
I opened my eyes and saw the judge, who Garrett had spoken to earlier, on the floor in front of us, kneeling behind his blonde and thrusting into her. His black suit pants were down around his ankles, and his saggy ass was pumping back and forth. The baldheaded man next to us had his redhead spread out on the table with his head buried between her legs. She was gasping and clutching the table, undulating as he pleasured her. Off in the corner, Colin was rocking his hips back and forth as his sub’s mouth moved up and down his visible erection.
“Have you seen enough?” Garrett asked, as I observed other couples in the room in similar sex acts.
Disgusted, I lowered my eyes to the floor.
He came around to my side and fastidiously adjusted his suit jacket. “Let’s get out of here.”
* * *
After a quick drive across town, Garrett and I were climbing the wide staircase to my apartment door. I wasn’t sure if it was the aftereffects of my flu or the stress of the entire evening, but I was exhausted.
“You were very good tonight,” he praised, taking my keys from my hand.
“You should have warned me it was going to be an orgy.”
“How was I to prepare you for that, Lexie?” He opened my door for me. “No amount of training could have made you ready for tonight. All in all, I think you did well.”
I took my keys from him. “What did you think I would do? Run screaming from the room?”
“Some women might have, but you behaved accordingly.” He unclasped the collar from about my neck.
“It doesn’t take much of a brain to say nothing or not appear appalled, Garrett.” Rubbing my neck, I pushed my front door open. “Makes me curious about the kind of woman you really want.”
“Kind of woman?” His raised his nose in the air, glaring down at me. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Do you want someone like the women in that club?” I dropped my black satin purse and keys on the bench by the door. “Did you see those women? They were dead inside.”
He shut my front door. “They looked just like you. It’s how they’re expected to act at the club. When they are alone with their Doms, I know for a fact they are very different.” He removed his jacket. “For instance, the woman Colin was with, Missy, drives him crazy. He’s been wanting to end their relationship for some time.” After tossing his jacket to my sofa, he walked into the kitchen and opened the cabinet below my sink.
“What happens to her then?” I queried.
Garrett pulled out a bottle of Johnny Walker Black Label from under the sink. “She goes up for selection by another Dom in the club.”
“Where did that come from?” I pointed to the bottle.
“I bought it at the grocery store the other day.” He held the bottle up, smirking. “Got to love New Orleans. I can’t quite get used to the concept of buying liquor at the grocery store. In Dallas, you can only purchase alcohol at a liquor store. In some parts of the city, you can’t buy it at all.”
He reached for two old-fashioned glasses in the cabinet above my stove. Walking past me, he went back to the living room and placed the glasses on my coffee table.
“Now, we can relax,” he remarked, and poured out three fingers of the scotch into each of the glasses.
I kicked off my heels. “I don’t think I can ever relax around you.”
He lifted a glass from the coffee table and brought it to me. “Why not?”
“I never know if I’m being tested or trained, or just made real damned uncomfortable in general.” I took the glass from his hand and kicked back a deep swig of scotch.
“I’m sorry I’ve been hard on you. I warned you in the beginning this wasn’t going to be easy.”
I winced as the alcohol burned the back of my throat. “Hell, Garrett, a root canal is a walk in the park next to an evening with you.”
His eyebrows scrunched together, making him look uncharacteristically concerned. “I had hoped that at least some of our time together had been pleasurable for you.” He turned away and went to the coffee table.
Oh, major guilt trip. “No, that’s not what I meant.” I went after him and stood by his side as he picked up his glass. “It’s just that you can be so….”
“More like a general pain in my ass.”
“Lovely, Lexie. And very descriptive, too.” He hoisted his glass in the air, toasting me, and then tossed back a portion of the dark golden liquid.
Watching his lips, I was overcome with a desire to taste the scotch on them, lick away the traces of alcohol, and then let my mouth travel slowly down his chin, neck, and chest, to his—
“I’m surprised you haven’t found another husband with that attitude,” he said, interrupting my fantasy.
“What makes you think I want another one of those?” I went around to the sofa and sank into the soft velvet cushion.
“I know your first attempt wasn’t successful, but I’m sure there is another man out there who can make you happy.” He sat down next to me, setting his drink on the coffee table.
Placing my glass beside his, I curled my feet beneath me and rubbed my sore right insole. Damned high heels. “Men don’t make women happy, Garrett. We only need them to approve of us. It’s all about someone else telling us that we’re beautiful, or smart, or wanted. Women have a hard time believing that
for themselves.”
He pulled my right leg out from under me and placed it over his lap. Taking my foot, he began to massage it with his delectable hands. I almost fell off the sofa, as he worked his thumbs deep into my tender insole.
“It’s the same way for men, Lexie. We aren’t born confident, it has to be instilled in us.”
His hands felt so good. I wanted to moan out loud, as his thumbs rubbed small circles deep into the sole of my foot. Instead, I tried my best to focus on our conversation. “Yes, but I think society is a bit more indulgent of your sex than of mine. A woman who gets ahead is a bitch or ruthless; a man is just regarded as successful.” As he massaged the ball of my foot, I swore I was going to have an orgasm.
“I agree, but a woman can also be gentle and caring, tearful and soft. If a man were to act that way, he would be shunned,” Garrett countered.
“God, you’re good at that.” I motioned to my foot.
He shrugged. “I’m better at back massages. I love touching a woman’s body. It’s something I always try to do with my subs…when they’re good.”
“What do you do when they’re bad?” tumbled out of my mouth, before I could stop it.
He paused, pondering the question. “It depends on the sub. Each punishment is tailored to their needs.”
I reached for my scotch, needing something to cool me off. “How do you tailor punishment to someone’s needs?”
Garrett slid my other leg over his lap and began rubbing my left foot. “Punishment is meant as a way to teach pleasure and displeasure to a sub. When I hand out a punishment, it’s to show that they have displeased me, and I do not wish to see the behavior repeated. It’s not intended to harm or hurt them. It’s to make them heed my wishes.”
“You lost me.” I pulled my legs from his lap, feeling uncomfortable again.
He wiped his hands together and then unknotted his tie. “When I punish a sub, I want to make the punishment memorable. In another way, I want to make it reinforce their submission to me.” He removed his tie, curling it about his long fingers.” Punishment is about withholding pleasure; tempting, promising, but never giving.”
I was mesmerized by the way the cool gray silk was laced in and around his fingers. I hurriedly gazed down at the drink in my hand. “So what do you do, spank them, tie them up, what?”
He took my glass and put it on the table. “Would you like a demonstration?”
“No.” I shimmied away, picturing being held over his lap and spanked like a child.
He leaned toward me, holding up his tie. “If you want to truly learn about my world, Lexie, you must experience it.” His face inched ever so close to mine. “I promise I will not hurt you.”
His thin lips hovered in front of me as I mulled over his offer. He had a point; perhaps I needed to experience what he did to his subs in order to be able to write about it. As his dark brown eyes seared into me, my resistance slipped away.
“All right, fine.” I sat back against the sofa. “I’m only agreeing to do this for the sake of the book.”
“Of course. It’s all about the book.” He stood from the sofa and went to the middle of the room. “Come here.”
Taking in a deep breath, I stood up and approached him. Without my heels, I came right under his chin and noticed a slight dimple I had never seen before.
“Turn around,” he commanded.
Sighing at the insistence in his voice, I did as he asked, wishing he could just ask nicely for once. When his hands went to the zipper on the back of my dress, I almost pulled away. Then I recalled his words from previous encounters. I had to relax, and I had to trust him.
“You didn’t pull away,” he whispered, as the zipper slowly eased downward. “You’re learning.”
“I’m getting—”
“No talking. You never talk when I’m punishing you.”
I snorted. Silly me.
After he had pushed my black cocktail dress off my shoulders, I waited calmly, as the fabric slid down my body and gathered about my ankles. Standing before him in my underwear and strapless bra didn’t seem like such a feat anymore. Perhaps I was getting the hang of this. Then another thought hit me; maybe I wanted to be naked in front of him.
His fingers lightly stroked along my shoulders and then his deep voice said, “Put your hands behind your back.”
Not sure what to expect, I complied. I felt the silk tie being wrapped about my wrists and secured tightly. At this point, I should have been getting concerned. Every instinct I had was screaming at me not to go along with his plans. Even so, there comes a time in a relationship when belief in another person outweighs reason. We want to believe someone will be kind to us, love us, or take care of us; no matter how many times our past has taught us otherwise. This was that moment for me. I believed Garrett would not hurt me. I knew then that I trusted him.
When his hands left my wrists, they began working their way down my back until his fingers hooked the top of my black silk panties. He eased the panties down my hips and all the way to my ankles. Lifting my right foot and then my left, he removed the underwear and dress from about my feet.
The cool air in my apartment was making my flesh dance with goose bumps, and when he patted my naked behind, the chill turned into a rush of heat.
“On your knees,” he said behind me.
With a little awkward effort, I got down on my knees. I prepared myself for a few slaps on my butt, thinking that was what he had in mind for my punishment. When he kneeled behind me, pushing my head over to the hardwood floor, my stomach clenched. Feeling so exposed caused a rush of adrenaline to race through me. My heart was pounding and my breath was coming in nervous gasps. I stayed like that for a few minutes, waiting for him to touch me, spank me…do something.
Then his hand slipped between my legs, and I bit down on my lower lip. At first, he lightly traced his fingertips over my folds, sending a shiver through me.
“You’re wet. That means I do excite you,” he murmured. “That’s very good.”
I hated to admit it, he did excite me. The more time we spent together, the harder it was getting to try and remain objective. Now he knew that I was attracted to him, making me feel even more emotionally vulnerable.
His fingers began to work slowly up and down, rubbing my clit, stroking my folds, and driving me insane. The play had gone too far, and I should have stopped him, but I didn’t. It had been a long time since a man had touched me like that. Hell, no man had ever touched me like that! Garrett knew just where to place his fingers, and how hard and how fast to move along my most sensitive spots. It was like he was reading my thoughts, knowing how to bring me the utmost pleasure. Suddenly, I did not care that it was Garrett doing these things to me, or that it was part of some silly punishment. All that mattered was his desire to make me come.
“Are you going to come, Lexie?”
“Oh, God,” I shouted, as I could feel my body getting ready to climax. “Yes.”
He tapped my clit. “Are you close?”
“Yes, please just do it,” I cried out, as my body tensed and twisted, on the verge of letting go.
Garrett abruptly pulled his hand away, and I almost crashed to the floor. “Don’t stop,” I groaned.
“I didn’t tell you to speak,” he growled.
I careened my head to the side, as he moved out from behind me and went to the coffee table. Lifting his drink, he then drained the glass.
I watched in disbelief that he could stand there so calmly, slamming back his scotch, as I lay on the floor panting for him. What kind of man was this?
He came back to me, and I thought we were going to have another go, but he simply untied my hands, adding to my confusion.
“To not know satisfaction is punishment, Lexie.”
I rolled over and glared up at him. This wasn’t punishment, this was agony. To want someone so completely, and then have them refuse you…my humiliation was now complete. I sat up on the floor, too shocked to stand.
Returning to the sofa, he retrieved his jacket and slipped it on. “I will call you tomorrow.”
I reached for my underwear. “Don’t bother.”
He dropped his tie in his side pocket. “You wanted a demonstration. Now you understand more about what I do.”
“What you do?” I stood from the floor and pulled up my black underwear. If I was going to let into the son of a bitch, I at least needed to be partially dressed. “Do you enjoy humiliating me?”
Tilting his head slightly to the side, he took a few seconds to think about the question. “Did I coerce you into taking part in our play? So how did I humiliate you? You wanted that. You wanted me.”
I grabbed my dress from the floor, not wanting to discuss why or how much I had wanted him. “Get out, Garrett, and don’t come back.”
“I’ll be back, Lexie.” He took a step closer to me. “You and I have come too far to turn back now.”
“I have enough for my book.” I clutched my dress to my body, covering myself. “We don’t need to see each other anymore.”
“Your book?” he chuckled. It was a cold sound that I had never heard from him before. “My dear woman, this is about much more than your book.” He waved his hand at me. “We’ll talk some more when you’re in a better mood.” He strode toward the door.
“I don’t want to see you again,” I adamantly declared, as he reached for the doorknob.
“We both know that’s not true,” he stated, without turning back to me. He opened my apartment door and walked out.
By the time he closed the door behind him, I was already cursing my desire to see him again. He had me all figured out. I listened to his footfalls heading toward the staircase and yearned to break through the elusive walls Garrett Hughes had built around his heart. I needed to know the real man beneath the calculated exterior. It was time to turn the tables on him. The only question was how?